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We offer 3 types of overnight rooms for dog boarding.
Large overnight kitty condos.
Daycare playtime Monday - Friday.
The Dog Park is 12ft x 12ft indoors and with DOGTV. This is just like a bedroom at home. There is a twin size bed and a doggie door that opens to a private turf play yard that is
14ft x 30ft.
$72 per night
$69 per night for additional family member to share room
Themed Suites are 7ft x 17ft indoor/outdoor suite that includes DOGTV. It is a homelike atmosphere. There are 2 large beds and a doggie door that opens to a private outside area.
$51 per night
$48 per night for additional family member to share room
Mini Suites are 5ft x 14ft indoor/outdoor suite that includes spa music. There is a large raised bed and a doggie door that opens to a private outside area.
$40 per night
$37 per night for additional family member to share room
The Kitty Condos include a large 2 story kitty condo, room to hide & climb, and DOGTV.
Daily out times in the designated kitty area to run, play, or relax on a cat tree.
We include dishes, litter, treats, toys, blankets, & love.
$25 per night per cat
Playtime with friends Monday - Friday. Drop off as early as 7:30am and pick up as late as 5:45pm.
Large outdoor play area and indoor play area for cold and raining days.
$28 per day per dog
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